Interface IRemoteJavascriptJob

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IRemoteJavascriptJob
extends IRemoteJob

Interface for a job that is executing JavaScript code in the background.

Please note that you cannot use @formula language or other classes from an XPages application. We simply used JavaScript as an easy interpreted language to schedule background jobs without the need to create and install an explicit plugin in the Notes client. However, there are a few JavaScript variables that are automatically registered for your convenience:

session - use this to read/write data in Lotus Notes Java APIs
progress - wraps a org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor to report progress and check for cancellation
context - a temporary document that contains string/double/integer parameter values passed via addJSProperty(String, Object). If you register a 'Run UI action' (IRemoteJobTools.createRunUIAgentAction(String, String, String, String)) for the job, this context document is also passed to this action.
Additional JavaScript variables can be defined by using addJSProperty(String, Object)}

Method Summary
 void addJSProperty(java.lang.String jsVarName, java.lang.Object value)
          Helper method to pass values to the JavaScript engine that a declared as global variables for the JavaScript execution
Methods inherited from interface
isSystem, isUser, schedule, setProperty, setSystem, setUser

Method Detail


void addJSProperty(java.lang.String jsVarName,
                   java.lang.Object value)
                   throws RemoteEclipseAPIException
Helper method to pass values to the JavaScript engine that a declared as global variables for the JavaScript execution

jsVarName - variable name
value - any Java object; string/double/integer values will automatically be written into a temporary document accessible as "context" variable