Interface ILicenseWarnings

public interface ILicenseWarnings

Interface to trigger the display of license warning and error dialogs

Method Summary
 void showDeveloperLicenseExpirationWarning(java.lang.String module, java.lang.String abbrSigner, java.util.Date expirationDate, boolean silentEvaluation)
          Displays a dialog that a developer license is about to expire
 void showNoDeveloperLicenseError(java.lang.String module, java.lang.String abbrSigner)
          Displays a dialog that a required developer license is missing
 void showNoUserLicenseError(java.lang.String module, java.lang.String abbrSigner)
          Displays a dialog that a required user license is missing
 void showUserLicenseExpirationWarning(java.lang.String module, java.lang.String abbrSigner, java.util.Date expirationDate, boolean silentEvaluation)
          Displays a dialog that a user license is about to expire

Method Detail


void showNoDeveloperLicenseError(java.lang.String module,
                                 java.lang.String abbrSigner)
Displays a dialog that a required developer license is missing

module - API module
abbrSigner - username


void showNoUserLicenseError(java.lang.String module,
                            java.lang.String abbrSigner)
Displays a dialog that a required user license is missing

module - API module
abbrSigner - username


void showDeveloperLicenseExpirationWarning(java.lang.String module,
                                           java.lang.String abbrSigner,
                                           java.util.Date expirationDate,
                                           boolean silentEvaluation)
Displays a dialog that a developer license is about to expire

module - API module
abbrSigner - username
expirationDate - expiration date
silentEvaluation - true if there should be no popups during the evaluation phase


void showUserLicenseExpirationWarning(java.lang.String module,
                                      java.lang.String abbrSigner,
                                      java.util.Date expirationDate,
                                      boolean silentEvaluation)
Displays a dialog that a user license is about to expire

module - API module
abbrSigner - username
expirationDate - expiration date
silentEvaluation - true if there should be no popups during the evaluation phase